February the month of caring

DementiaSA focused on caring (and love) for the many people with dementia for the month of February.

Families, hospitals and clinics were approached during the month to give more care than usual to dementia-affected people.

“During February we gave an extra-strong focus on the loved ones with dementia, and on the people who care for family members,” said Karen Borochowitz, Director of DementiaSA.

The aim was to let people know how much we appreciate the love and care they give to people with dementia.

Karen was interviewed on Smile FM, GHFM and CCFM, just to name a few. DementiaSA radio advert was played on over 10 different radio stations. This helped create awareness about what it’s like to live with a dementia family member.

Staff members visited dementia patients at their facilities and gave them little gifts.

“Others called at doctors’ offices and waiting rooms and left brochures about dementia for patients, plus small gifts of appreciation for allowing us to put our brochures in their offices.”

Statistics show the severity of the dementia problem. About 3% of people between the ages of 65-74 have dementia, nearly 20 percent between 75 and 84, and about half of those over 85 years of age in the Western World. It is the 8th leading cause of death for the elderly in the USA.

Every three seconds, someone in the world develops dementia. Developed countries have budgeted for a big increase in spending on retirement centres and health clinics with dementia treatment facilities. In developing countries there is some improvement in treatment, but diagnosis problems and lack of facilities are in many cases hampering progress.

In South Africa, DementiaSA has created a steadily increasing network of support groups, social workers and facilities where nurses and other medical personnel are trained. Space at its offices at 79 Roeland Street in Cape Town was recently increased to allow for a big demand for its training services. www.dementiasa.org
director@dementiasa.org  Tel 021-421-0077/78